
Showing posts from June, 2023


Numbers 11:31-32 Now the Lord sent a wind that brought quail from the sea and let them fall all around the camp. For miles in every direction there were quail flying about three feet above the ground. So the people went out and caught quail all that day and throughout the night and all the next day, too. No one gathered less than fifty bushels! They spread the quail all around the camp to dry. The people of Israel complained about not having meat. They vexed the Lord by saying they preferred to return to Egypt. Remember the Lord's reply: Numbers 11:10,19-20 Moses heard all the families standing in the doorways of their tents whining, and the Lord became extremely angry. Moses was also very aggravated. And it won’t be for just a day or two, or for five or ten or even twenty. You will eat it for a whole month until you gag and are sick of it. For you have rejected the Lord, who is here among you, and you have whined to him, saying, “Why did we ever leave Egypt?”’” Yes they ha


 Numbers 11:20,23 You will eat it for a whole month until you gag and are sick of it. For you have rejected the Lord, who is here among you, and you have whined to him, saying, “Why did we ever leave Egypt?”’” Then the Lord said to Moses, “Has my arm lost its power? Now you will see whether or not my word comes true!” Yesterday we looked at the complain of the children of Israel as the journeyed in the wilderness. They vexed the Lord in that they said: Numbers 11:20b For you have rejected the Lord, who is here among you, and you have whined to him, saying, “Why did we ever leave Egypt?”’” It was sign of ungratefulness. There was no sign of gratitude for the deliverance they received. There was nothing wrong in them desiring to have meat, but instead of asking, they decided to complain and make ungrateful statements. The God who did all these miracles for you, provision of meat would not be a problem for Him? Numbers 11:23 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Has my arm lost its power? Now you


Numbers 11:1,4-6 Soon the people began to complain about their hardship, and the lord heard everything they said. Then the Lord’s anger blazed against them, and he sent a fire to rage among them, and he destroyed some of the people in the outskirts of the camp. Then the foreign rabble who were traveling with the Israelites began to crave the good things of Egypt. And the people of Israel also began to complain. “Oh, for some meat!” they exclaimed. “We remember the fish we used to eat for free in Egypt. And we had all the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic we wanted. But now our appetites are gone. All we ever see is this manna!” Truly it is not easy to go on one diet day after day, travelling through the desert. The people began to complain. Yes they are right that they had variety of food when they were in Egypt, however, they were slaves! They were used as forced labour, beaten and ofcourse killed! It is easy to just remember the foods and forget the bondage! Many were trap


Numbers 10:34-36 As they moved on each day, the cloud of the Lord hovered over them. And whenever the Ark set out, Moses would shout, “Arise, O  Lord, and let your enemies be scattered! Let them flee before you!” And when the Ark was set down, he would say, “Return, O Lord, to the countless thousands of Israel!” The best way to move in this life is under the cover of the Almighty.  He guides you, fights your battles and keeps you in good health and peace. The children of Israel were the example of how the Lord leads His own through the battle of this life. It is the privilege of everyone who comes to God to be covered and protected by Him. Psalm 91, my mum's favourite psalm as she raised us, reads thus: Psalms 91:1-3 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord:  He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly dis


Numbers 10:1,9-10 Now the Lord said to Moses, “When you arrive in your own land and go to war against your enemies who attack you, sound the alarm with the trumpets. Then the Lord your God will remember you and rescue you from your enemies. Blow the trumpets in times of gladness, too, sounding them at your annual festivals and at the beginning of each month. And blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and peace offerings. The trumpets will remind your God of his covenant with you. I am the Lord your God.” One beautiful character about the way the Lord leads us is order, things are well laid out when you follow the Lord's leading. It is always chaos when you begin to deviate and form your own path. This is one of the reasons for the disorder and evils in our world. The trumpet was made custom to announce all events whether it is a celebration or war. We must be attentive to understand the announcements. We should know when the Lord desires us to assemble, celebrate or go to war.


Numbers 9:16-18,23 This was the regular pattern—at night the cloud that covered the Tabernacle had the appearance of fire. Whenever the cloud lifted from over the sacred tent, the people of Israel would break camp and follow it. And wherever the cloud settled, the people of Israel would set up camp. In this way, they traveled and camped at the Lord’s command wherever he told them to go. Then they remained in their camp as long as the cloud stayed over the Tabernacle. So they camped or traveled at the Lord’s command, and they did whatever the Lord told them through Moses. The children of Israel had to wait for the Lord's signal to know when to move forward or when to tarry. The cloud over the tabernacle was the sign to tarry, once the cloud was lifted they could move ahead. Sometimes it could take as much as a year before the received the instruction to move ahead, they just had to wait! Numbers 9:22 Whether the cloud stayed above the Tabernacle for two days, a month, or a year, the


Numbers 9:2,4,8 “Tell the Israelites to celebrate the Passover at the prescribed time, So Moses told the people to celebrate the Passover Moses answered, “Wait here until I have received instructions for you from the Lord.” In our Christian walk we get to points and situations that may not seem very clear to us. We may have looked at scriptures and sought advice from elders etc, yet there is no clear instructions on what to do. We need to wait on the Lord. This is why it is easier to live a life that is in continual fellowship with the Lord, so that it doesn't look strange to hear from Him or receive His instructions. Many a times we are so filled up with ideas and opinions from the world, media and people that we do not place much importance on God's direct guidance to us. Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. 


Numbers 8:21-22 The Levites purified themselves from sin and washed their clothes, and Aaron lifted them up and presented them to the Lord as a special offering. He then offered a sacrifice to purify them and make them right with the Lord. After that the Levites went into the Tabernacle to perform their duties, assisting Aaron and his sons. So they carried out all the commands that the Lord gave Moses concerning the Levites. The Levites were chosen by God to serve in the tabernacle. God said they were to replace all Israel's first born who were to be His. This was as a result of God saving them for Himself when He took away all first born of the Egyptians. Notice two things about the dedication, Moses who was God's representative had to present them, the people also had to present them to God as an offering: Numbers 8:10-11 When you present the Levites before the Lord, the people of Israel must lay their hands on them. Raising his hands, Aaron must then present the Levites to t


Numbers 8:2-3 “Give Aaron the following instructions: When you set up the seven lamps in the lampstand, place them so their light shines forward in front of the lampstand.” So Aaron did this. He set up the seven lamps so they reflected their light forward, just as the lord had commanded Moses. The significance of light cannot be overemphasized, when God wanted to begin the creation of the earth He had to call out light. When Christ was to come to the earth He came as light. He was not just the light, He gave light to everyone! Genesis 1:3 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. John 1:5,9 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. Light stands for illumination, it brings clarity, displacing darkness. Darkness brings fear but when light enters fear is removed. This is why the psalmist recorded: Psalms 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation— so why


Numbers 7: 84 & 89 So this was the dedication offering brought by the leaders of Israel at the time the altar was anointed: twelve silver platters, twelve silver basins, and twelve gold incense containers. Each silver platter weighed 31/4 pounds, and each silver basin weighed 13/4 pounds.  Whenever Moses went into the Tabernacle to speak with the lord, he heard the voice speaking to him from between the two cherubim above the Ark’s cover—the place of atonement—that rests on the Ark of the Covenant. The Lord spoke to him from there. All the tribes had now brought their offerings to the Lord. To show appreciation after the dedication of the tabernacle. Something happened after that: God bagan to speak from the midst of the cherubim. When we bring our offerings, we are able to experience His presence. Why is God present if there is nothing offered. God's presence is needed if we are doing His will. John 8:29 And the one who sent me is with me—he has not deserted me. For I always d

STILL ON OFFERINGS (Save our children!)

Numbers 7:66-69 On the tenth day Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai, leader of the tribe of Dan, presented his offering. His offering consisted of a silver platter weighing 31/4 pounds and a silver basin weighing 13/4 pounds (as measured by the weight of the sanctuary shekel). These were both filled with grain offerings of choice flour moistened with olive oil. He also brought a gold container weighing four ounces, which was filled with incense. He brought a young bull, a ram, and a one-year-old male lamb for a burnt offering, There is nothing too much to give to the Lord, of course, all we have, we received from the Lord. Let us look at the reason for giving. It is to carry out God's work, to ensure that there is food in His house, that the gospel reaches the end of the earth. Acts 24:17 “After several years away, I returned to Jerusalem with money to aid my people and to offer sacrifices to God. There is a lot of pollution going on around the earth these past years, evils which were know


Numbers 7:18-20 On the second day Nethanel son of Zuar, leader of the tribe of Issachar, presented his offering. His offering consisted of a silver platter weighing 31/4 pounds and a silver basin weighing 13/4 pounds (as measured by the weight of the sanctuary shekel). These were both filled with grain offerings of choice flour moistened with olive oil. He also brought a gold container weighing four ounces, which was filled with incense. We are used to asking and asking again and again. We understand that God wants us to ask: Matthew 7:7-8,11 “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him. Yes, God awaits our request He wants us to a


Numbers 7:1-2,11 On the day Moses set up the Tabernacle, he anointed it and set it apart as holy. He also anointed and set apart all its furnishings and the altar with its utensils. Then the leaders of Israel—the tribal leaders who had registered the troops—came and brought their offerings. The Lord said to Moses, “Let one leader bring his gift each day for the dedication of the altar.” Offerings to the Lord has always been from the beginning. We are supposed to bring an offering to the Lord to appreciate what He has done for us. The offering is also a form of worship, acknowledging God for who He is. Remember the first offering in scriptures from Cain and Abel. Genesis 4:2-7.  We understood that Cain's offering was rejected because of his evil ways, while that of Abel was accepted. It is important for us to always have in my mind that our first offering is ourselves. We must give ourselves to the Lord before we can talk of any other offering. Romans 12:1 And so, dear brothers and


Numbers 6:2-3,8,12-13 “Give the following instructions to the people of Israel.“If any of the people, either men or women, take the special vow of a Nazirite, setting themselves apart to the Lord in a special way, they must give up wine and other alcoholic drinks. They must not use vinegar made from wine or from other alcoholic drinks, they must not drink fresh grape juice, and they must not eat grapes or raisins. This requirement applies as long as they are set apart to the Lord. The days of their vow that were completed before their defilement no longer count. They must rededicate themselves to the Lord as a Nazirite for the full term of their vow, and each must bring a one-year-old male lamb for a guilt offering. “This is the ritual law for Nazirites. At the conclusion of their time of separation as Nazirites, they must each go to the entrance of the Tabernacle Many desire a special place with God, to display His power and to be His representative. I desire it, and I believe you do


Numbers 5:27 If she has defiled herself by being unfaithful to her husband, the water that brings on the curse will cause bitter suffering. Her abdomen will swell and her womb will shrink, and her name will become a curse among her people. It was a terrible thing for a woman to be caught in an evil act, the repercussion was death. A mere suspicion was enough to bring up a case! However, John 8:3-5,7,10-11 As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd. “Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?” They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” “No, Lord,” she said.And Jesus said, “Neither d


Numbers 5:2-4,6-7 “Command the people of Israel to remove from the camp anyone who has a skin disease or a discharge, or who has become ceremonially unclean by touching a dead person. This command applies to men and women alike. Remove them so they will not defile the camp in which I live among them.” So the Israelites did as the Lord had commanded Moses and removed such people from the camp. “Give the following instructions to the people of Israel: If any of the people—men or women—betray the Lord by doing wrong to another person, they are guilty. They must confess their sin and make full restitution for what they have done, adding an additional 20 percent and returning it to the person who was wronged. We have established from scriptures that Christ is the end of the law and that in walking in Him we actually walk in God. We walk in love so we cannot be faulted by the law for the law is only a shadow of things to come and it has been fulfilled in Christ Jesus. So when we examine the


Isaiah 60:21 Thy people also [shall be] all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified. While we enjoy God's glory, splendor and power here on earth, we must remember that the main glory, the real rest is after here. What we enjoy here on earth is just a glimpse of what the Lord has in stock for us in eternity. Hebrews 4:8-9 For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. We must never forget that the real rest is after we have left here, else we will get carried away by the activities of the flesh and thus miss it. 1 Corinthians 15:19  If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. Now remember: While we are here we are subject to the laws of the flesh but when we resurrect we are no longer bound by those laws: * to eat you have to work * the law of gravity * you take care of


Numbers 4:49 When their names were recorded, as the Lord had commanded through Moses, each man was assigned his task and told what to carry. And so the registration was completed, just as the Lord had commanded Moses. Everyone who comes to the Heavenly Father through the only way, Christ Jesus is assured of everlasting life. John 3:16 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. However, to receive a reward you must have done a good work and to do the good work you have to be assigned. Revelation 20:12 I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. Luke 12:43 If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward. Salvation is free, however you only receive a reward for the work you have done!


Numbers 4:28,33 So these are the duties assigned to the Gershonite clans at the Tabernacle. They will be directly responsible to Ithamar son of Aaron the priest. So these are the duties of the Merarite clans at the Tabernacle. They are directly responsible to Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.” Do you know your duty/role in the body of Christ? Ephesians 4:11-13 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:18,28 But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it. Here are some of the parts God has appointed for the church:first are apostles,second are prophets,third are teacher


Numbers 4:12-14 They must take all the remaining furnishings of the sanctuary and wrap them in a blue cloth, cover them with fine goatskin leather, and place them on the carrying frame. “They must remove the ashes from the altar for sacrifices and cover the altar with a purple cloth. All the altar utensils—the firepans, meat forks, shovels, basins, and all the containers—must be placed on the cloth, and a covering of fine goatskin leather must be spread over them. Finally, they must put the carrying poles in place. Aaron and his sons were given the duty of overseeing the activities of the tabernacle. The Levites were to assist them in doing this, then the Kohathites were to assist but with a restriction. They needed Aaron and his sons to be there so that they don't touch the wrong things and get killed. What is our tabernacle today? Our body has become the temple of God and the same way the tabernacle was taken care of, we should do the same today. The tabernacle was sacred because


Numbers 3:40-41,47-51 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Now count all the firstborn sons in Israel who are one month old or older, and make a list of their names. The Levites must be reserved for me as substitutes for the firstborn sons of Israel; I am the Lord. And the Levites’ livestock must be reserved for me as substitutes for the firstborn livestock of the whole nation of Israel.” collect five pieces of silver for each of them (each piece weighing the same as the sanctuary shekel, which equals twenty gerahs). Give the silver to Aaron and his sons as the redemption price for the extra firstborn sons.” So Moses collected the silver for redeeming the firstborn sons of Israel who exceeded the number of Levites. He collected 1,365 pieces of silver on behalf of these firstborn sons of Israel (each piece weighing the same as the sanctuary shekel). And Moses gave the silver for the redemption to Aaron and his sons, just as the Lord had commanded. Our God is omnipotent, that is, He has unlimit

You have Joy (A reminder)

Matthew 11:18-19 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.  The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children. There is this need to mystify the people of Christ, to feel that those who have been been born again do not laugh, eat or have things to do with people around them. When the bible says we should be separate it meant not to do the evil others do and not to be trapped in the philosophy of the world. Joy is one evidence of our pact with God. We do not go out morose, a sad face does not show that we serve God even if we were fasting. Matthew 6:16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. Even in the face of persecution, the joy of the believer does not fade away. Romans 8:35