
Showing posts from March, 2021


Acts 23:7-9 This divided the council—the Pharisees against the Sadducees— for the Sadducees say there is no resurrection or angels or spirits, but the Pharisees believe in all of these. So there was a great uproar. Some of the teachers of religious law who were Pharisees jumped up and began to argue forcefully. “We see nothing wrong with him,” they shouted. “Perhaps a spirit or an angel spoke to him.” When you look at what Paul faced from the evil instigation of some Jews in his tour of Asia and final return to Jerusalem, you notice that most of the mob individuals had no clue what Paul's offence was? Acts 21:33-34 Then the commander arrested him and ordered him bound with two chains. He asked the crowd who he was and what he had done. Some shouted one thing and some another. Since he couldn’t find out the truth in all the uproar and confusion, he ordered that Paul be taken to the fortress. Remember that it was the same when Christ was to be crucified: John 19:4 Pilate went outside...


Acts 22:24 The commander brought Paul inside and ordered him lashed with whips to make him confess his crime. He wanted to find out why the crowd had become so furious. Persecution against the believer could be out of ignorance, envy or pure evil. For misunderstanding is what leads to quarrels.  What did our Lord say about this? Matthew 5:10-12 God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. “God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way. Also, John 16:33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” Now is the kingdom of God all about persecution and sorrow? NO! Far from it. NO! Roman...


Acts 22:21-23 “But the Lord said to me, ‘Go, for I will send you far away to the Gentiles!’” The crowd listened until Paul said that word. Then they all began to shout, “Away with such a fellow! He isn’t fit to live!” They yelled, threw off their coats, and tossed handfuls of dust into the air. We must understand that one of the reason Christ was hated by the Jews, actually the leaders and teachers, is the emphasizes that they are rejected. Remember that the annoyance of Cain that led him to kill his brother was the fact that his sacrifice was rejected while that of Abel was accepted. Listen brethren: The rejection is always about one thing - disobedience! From Cain to Lot's wife, to Achaia to King Saul the reason for rejection is disobedience! In the first book of Samuel, Prophet Samuel told King Saul that God was more interested in obedience than sacrifice. Hosea 2:23 At that time I will plant a crop of Israelites and raise them for myself.  I will show love to those I called ‘No...


Acts 21:31-32 As they were trying to kill him, word reached the commander of the Roman regiment that all Jerusalem was in an uproar. He immediately called out his soldiers and officers and ran down among the crowd. When the mob saw the commander and the troops coming, they stopped beating Paul. Paul had gotten to Jerusalem, some Jews who saw his ministry in Asia, grabbed him and stirred the people in the city against him. Acts  21:27-28 The seven days were almost ended when some Jews from the province of Asia saw Paul in the Temple and roused a mob against him. They grabbed him, yelling, “Men of Israel, help us! This is the man who preaches against our people everywhere and tells everybody to disobey the Jewish laws. He speaks against the Temple—and even defiles this holy place by bringing in Gentiles.” There was an uproar, they began to beat him, with intention of killing him. Acts 21:30-31 The whole city was rocked by these accusations, and a great riot followed. Paul was grabbed...


Acts 21:33-36 Then the commander arrested him and ordered him bound with two chains. He asked the crowd who he was and what he had done. Some shouted one thing and some another. Since he couldn’t find out the truth in all the uproar and confusion, he ordered that Paul be taken to the fortress. As Paul reached the stairs, the mob grew so violent the soldiers had to lift him to their shoulders to protect him. And the crowd followed behind, shouting, “Kill him, kill him!” Still on religion, that evil that follows it is the killing of a fellow human being for the sake of a religion. That thing that takes away the value of a life of another human and makes one think that they have the liberty to kill another for no reason. There is no war, and you have no clear idea what they person has done wrong, but you are informed that the person erred against your religion then you feel you can go ahead to mob and even kill that individual. Some would say I did not participate in the killing. Hello, b...


Acts 21:21,24-25 But the Jewish believers here in Jerusalem have been told that you are teaching all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to turn their backs on the laws of Moses. They’ve heard that you teach them not to circumcise their children or follow other Jewish customs. Go with them to the Temple and join them in the purification ceremony, paying for them to have their heads ritually shaved. Then everyone will know that the rumors are all false and that you yourself observe the Jewish laws. “As for the Gentile believers, they should do what we already told them in a letter: They should abstain from eating food offered to idols, from consuming blood or the meat of strangled animals, and from sexual immorality.” The problem with religion is that it is man-made, the biggest lie of religious leaders and extremist is to let man think that religion is God-made. Now, let us get it right, it is not that instructions were not given or laws was not enacted, No, however the problem is man...


Acts 21:12-14 When we heard this, we and the local believers all begged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem. But he said, “Why all this weeping? You are breaking my heart! I am ready not only to be jailed at Jerusalem but even to die for the sake of the Lord Jesus.” When it was clear that we couldn’t persuade him, we gave up and said, “The Lord’s will be done.” In the Christian faith we follow the leading of Christ, we do sacrifice for the Lord, we pay the price that many will be saved and the saved will remain faithful. This is in contrast to those who kill others because of their faith. It is Anti-Christ. Selah Recall that Paul had received revelation from the Spirit that he will be bound and imprisoned in Jerusalem: Acts 20:23 except that the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead. Thus when the prophesies kept coming from different prophets his mind was already prepared, he was ready for the sacrifice. Acts 21:11 He came over, took Paul’s belt, and bou...


Acts 20:36-38 When he had finished speaking, he knelt and prayed with them. They all cried as they embraced and kissed him good-bye. They were sad most of all because he had said that they would never see him again. Then they escorted him down to the ship. Paul had spent three years in Asia doing the work of the Lord from Corinth to Berea to Galatia and Ephesus, great work with the Jews there and the Greek alike. We learn from this great servant of the Lord through whom the Lord instructs us in spiritual things: Let me start from the end: he was on his way to Jerusalem, he knew he was not coming back that it was jail and suffering. He was not a prophet of doom, the Spirit had revealed it to him: Acts 20:22-23 “And now I am bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem. I don’t know what awaits me, except that the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead. What was his reaction? Acts 20:24  But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto ...


Acts 20:9-12 As Paul spoke on and on, a young man named Eutychus, sitting on the windowsill, became very drowsy. Finally, he fell sound asleep and dropped three stories to his death below. Paul went down, bent over him, and took him into his arms. “Don’t worry,” he said, “he’s alive!” Then they all went back upstairs, shared in the Lord’s Supper, and ate together. Paul continued talking to them until dawn, and then he left. Meanwhile, the young man was taken home alive and well, and everyone was greatly relieved. Perfect faith is certainty, it is being so sure that you do not waver or fear.  For faith is worked in love! Galatians 5:6 For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, there is no benefit in being circumcised or being uncircumcised. What is important is faith expressing itself in love. FAITH EXPRESSING ITSELF IN LOVE! So Paul was not moved, the young boy who was at his service fell three stories down to his death. What will you have done? Paul was so filled with faith, (re...


Acts 20:3 where he stayed for three months. He was preparing to sail back to Syria when he discovered a plot by some Jews against his life, so he decided to return through Macedonia. One of the greatest fear of evil ones is the truth, thus they do all they can to stifle the truth even to the extent of killing. I remember a certain sect/religion where if any member of the family finds the truth and steps out, the other members of the family are expected to eliminate that person. Thus when we read that some Jews tried to eliminate Paul it is not strange. What was his offence - He spoke and taught the truth. This is the truth, as Jesus taught Nicodemus: John 3:17-21 God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world...


 Acts 19:23,26,37 About that time, serious trouble developed in Ephesus concerning the Way. But as you have seen and heard, this man Paul has persuaded many people that handmade gods aren’t really gods at all. And he’s done this not only here in Ephesus but throughout the entire province! You have brought these men here, but they have stolen nothing from the temple and have not spoken against our goddess. From the beginning Christ told us (believers) that we will have conflict with the world, the reason is not far fetched: John 15:18-21 “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. Do you remember what I told you? ‘A slave is not greater than the master.’ Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to me, they would listen to you. They will do all this to you because of...


Acts 19:15-16 But one time when they tried it, the evil spirit replied, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” Then the man with the evil spirit leaped on them, overpowered them, and attacked them with such violence that they fled from the house, naked and battered. Every good thing has a counterfeit, truly for the scripture says: 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve. Yes in the spiritual realm there is a counterfeit of what we have in the heavens, this is why it is good to study yourself approved. Each time we deviate away from God's designed purpose or walk in disobedience, we are at the risk of falling into the counterfeit from the enemy. See, from the very beginning, man (and woman) was given dominion, the enemy sold to man (through the woman) a count...


Acts 19:2,4-6 “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” he asked them.“No,” they replied, “we haven’t even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” Paul said, “John’s baptism called for repentance from sin. But John himself told the people to believe in the one who would come later, meaning Jesus.” As soon as they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in other tongues and prophesied. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Heavenly Father and thus the Spirit of the Word, the Son of God, remember that God's Spirit was active from the beginning. So many have issues with the Trinity, however there is still the God Head consisting of the Heavenly Father, His Spirit and His Word(If God should have a body, the Word is His body) This is what Paul explains: Colossians 2:9 For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. Listen if anyone thought they saw God in the old ...


Acts 18:26,28 When Priscilla and Aquila heard him preaching boldly in the synagogue, they took him aside and explained the way of God even more accurately. He refuted the Jews with powerful arguments in public debate. Using the Scriptures, he explained to them that Jesus was the Messiah. The whole message of salvation is all about Christ Jesus, the Messiah, who gave Himself for the sins of the whole world, that's the summary. Thus when Apollos who must have been a disciple of John the Baptist, full of zeal was teaching about Christ, He had limited knowledge, definitely he had not had the Pentecost experience. Priscilla and Aquilla had to take home aside to bring him up to date, they gave him the accurate knowledge. Many are full of zeal but with incomplete or false knowledge, we see many in different religions and sects guarding and holding on to one belief or the other. However, only one truth remains. John 14:6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can co...


Acts 18:23 After spending some time in Antioch, Paul went back through Galatia and Phrygia, visiting and strengthening all the believers. I believe the two major assignments of the believer is to lead the lost to Christ and to edify(encourage, strengthen, . . .) the brethren. When these two are not done then the essence of the gathering or spiritual work is questionable. We see the work of the apostles, the essence of the display of the power of the Spirit in miracles and divers healings, all are for the same purpose. The analogy of a college student: the essence of going to college is to receive education and build good character for leadership and proper integration into society. Any other thing is just an addition, the primary purpose remains paramount. The same with the church, definitely other activities come up, but the primary responsibility must be given preeminence. Today we find things like "comedy comes to church", "musical concerts(competitions), dance compet...


Acts 18:3 Paul lived and worked with them, for they were tentmakers just as he was. The ideology of believers and christian leaders not having a work where the earn to take care of themselves and their families is alien to the faith. The meaning of full time ministry is very well misunderstood by many. For the only justification of staying away from earthly labour could only have been adopted from the lifestyle of the prophets of old, who were 100% dedicated to the Lord. Now listen, their lives were not ordinary lives, they did not just live amongst the people, they neither owned houses or properties, they lived entirely by faith. The question then is, where did the so called spiritual leaders of today,  get the idea of idleness from? For measuring all the exploits and work Paul did, how many so called bishops, overseers, pope, archbishop, prophet etc can compare to the scope of his ministry. Yet he worked! 1 Corinthians 4:10-12 Our dedication to Christ makes us look like fools, bu...


Acts 17:23-25 for as I was walking along I saw your many shrines. And one of your altars had this inscription on it: ‘To an Unknown God.’ This God, whom you worship without knowing, is the one I’m telling you about. “He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn’t live in man-made temples, and human hands can’t serve his needs—for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need. One problem with religion is the attempt to see God as an idol and attempting to please Him through rituals and varying forms of self righteousness. This is what Paul told them at Athens when He explained to them that the unknown God they placed amongst idols, was the True God Himself. Because they could not define Him or explain Him as they could their idols, thus they left Him UNDEFINED! Acts 17:23 for as I was walking along I saw your many shrines. And one of your altars had this inscription on it: ‘To an Unk...


Acts 17:11 And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. The people of Berea have been used as an example of serious believers, they were not presumptuous, NO, they searched the scriptures to know the truth. No one should walk up to me and begin to tell me this or that, no matter what title the person bears. I want to search scriptures to see if it is true. I want to pray and listen to the Lord to confirm that message. For when the Lord sends a prophet to you, He confirms the message, Cornelius is a good example. Laziness is not acceptable in God's kingdom, every one who serves the Lord must also be conversant with His word, if NOT, how do you please Him: Psalms 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Some may ask: "what of those who can't read": The word of God can b...


Acts 17:5-6 But some of the Jews were jealous, so they gathered some troublemakers from the marketplace to form a mob and start a riot. They attacked the home of Jason, searching for Paul and Silas so they could drag them out to the crowd. Not finding them there, they dragged out Jason and some of the other believers instead and took them before the city council. “Paul and Silas have caused trouble all over the world,” they shouted, “and now they are here disturbing our city, too. The message of Christ did not carry anything destructive or trouble with it, it was the reconsiliation of the creator with the beings He created. The true Word was repent! Repent from what? Acts 3:19 Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. For truly all evil deeds done in this world would definitely be payed for, it is a deceit to feel that one can do evil and get away with it. No. There is judgment. So what did Christ do? Acts 10:38 And you know that God anointed Jesus o...


Acts 16:17-18 She followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, “These men are servants of the Most High God, and they have come to tell you how to be saved.” This went on day after day until Paul got so exasperated that he turned and said to the demon within her, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And instantly it left her. We do not have time to play around with the enemy, NO! It was in discussion with the enemy that Eve was conned to eat the forbidden fruit. Many a times we take a risk by debating with the enemy on matters which are clear in scriptures or we have received direct instructions on, it is dangerous. This slave girl in our reading for today, followed Paul and Silas around proclaiming that they were of God, yes, however it was really becoming a nuisance, moreso, the girl needed to be liberated. James 2:19 You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. We must...


Acts 16:14-15 One of them was Lydia from Thyatira, a merchant of expensive purple cloth, who worshiped God. As she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart, and she accepted what Paul was saying. She and her household were baptized, and she asked us to be her guests. “If you agree that I am a true believer in the Lord,” she said, “come and stay at my home.” And she urged us until we agreed. When the church began, missioners did not care about earthly wealth, fame or glory. The followed the example of the Lord Christ Jesus who said: Luke 9:57-58 As they were walking along, someone said to Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go.” But Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head.” Yet He never lacked anything or worried about where to sleep, remember Christ taught us: Matthew 6:25,31-32 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn...


Acts 16:6-7,9 Next Paul and Silas traveled through the area of Phrygia and Galatia, because the Holy Spirit had prevented them from preaching the word in the province of Asia at that time. Then coming to the borders of Mysia, they headed north for the province of Bithynia, but again the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them to go there. That night Paul had a vision: A man from Macedonia in northern Greece was standing there, pleading with him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us!” The mandate is: Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” However, we must remember whose mandate it is. He must yet direct, that is why they had to wait for the power from on high, the Holy Spirit for through Him Christ would direct them. It also applies to us. Yes I have the zeal, which is very good, however I do not lead myself, Christ does,...


Acts 16:2-3 Timothy was well thought of by the believers in Lystra and Iconium, so Paul wanted him to join them on their journey. In deference to the Jews of the area, he arranged for Timothy to be circumcised before they left, for everyone knew that his father was a Greek. There are things that are not essential but become necessary to silence opposers who in this case could be the religious folks. Paul had to circumcise Timothy that the Jewish community who knew his father to be Greek would have nothing to say. Has the circumcision made him a better believer, NO! Galatians 5:2,6 Listen! I, Paul, tell you this: If you are counting on circumcision to make you right with God, then Christ will be of no benefit to you. For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, there is no benefit in being circumcised or being uncircumcised. What is important is faith expressing itself in love. But that they may have nothing to say, somethings are done: Matthew 17:24-27 On their arrival in Capernaum, th...

STORM - Disagreement

Acts 15:38-39 But Paul disagreed strongly, since John Mark had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in their work. Their disagreement was so sharp that they separated. Barnabas took John Mark with him and sailed for Cyprus. When people look at some relationships they envy the supposed perfect fit, the great friendship, the couple's love, the unity of the brethren etc. However, that doesn't mean that there was no storm, there is no storm and there will be no storm. Nope. As believers we are expected to be one, Christ prayed: John 17:21 I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. However there will come times when there will be disagreement, one yet has to stand for the truth. Not judging anyone in this dispute, it is of note that it was Paul and his new companion Silas that was blessed by the brethren: Acts 15:40 Paul chose Silas, and...


Acts 15:32 Then Judas and Silas, both being prophets, spoke at length to the believers, encouraging and strengthening their faith. There are two major duties of the believer: * Taking the gospel of peace to the unsaved; and * Enocouraging the brethren. These two assignments are the major assignment for the believer. Though so simple, they do entail a lot. The major reason why this could be tasking is - the world and the flesh. For we are yet humans and we yet deal with humans and powers. Mark 16:15-16 And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” 2 Corinthians 5:19 For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counti...


Acts 15:10-11 So why are you now challenging God by burdening the Gentile believers with a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors were able to bear? We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Why did Christ come? Romans 3:25-26 For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past, for he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in this present time. God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he declares sinners to be right in his sight when they believe in Jesus. The truth is that if the law and prophets could save, Christ would need not have come neither would His sacrifice be necessary. Hebrews 10:4-7 For it is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins...