1Corinthians 9:26 Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. We must not get carried away, even when it seems all is working smoothly and everything is falling into place. There is a war against purposeful use. Especially for us the younger ones. The enemy and his devices are still active prepared to take our minds away from God's purpose and will. The Lord brings a sister or brother to our attention with a prophesy or message of salvation. But if we have allowed lust, we could confuse the purpose of the attraction and allow sensuality to take its course. The Lord opens our eye to an idea that will bring in wealth and prosper the church. If we have allowed love of money or greed, we begin to think of negative ways to get that money. The mind could immediately travel to the personal things we want to spend the money on to satisfy ego or to impress people or the world. A revelation or vision comes to us instead of taking it do...