1 Chronicles 11:17-19

David remarked longingly to his men, “Oh, how I would love some of that good water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem.”

So the Three broke through the Philistine lines, drew some water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem, and brought it back to David. But David refused to drink it. Instead, he poured it out as an offering to the Lord.

“God forbid that I should drink this!” he exclaimed. “This water is as precious as the blood of these men who risked their lives to bring it to me.” So David did not drink it. These are examples of the exploits of the Three.

When scriptures tells us that God called David a man after His heart some may begin to wonder what really was David's disposition. Why, because many just keep that one singular act of adultery he committed in mind. Some even used this and the mistakes of others in scriptures as a license to do wrong.

You hear things like, or that person was a liar yet God used Him. That person was a murder but God uses him, etc.

No, this scriptures were revealed to us so that we do not make those mistakes. Selah

1 Corinthians 10:6,11

These things happened as a warning to us, so that we would not crave evil things as they did,

These things happened to them as examples for us. They were written down to warn us who live at the end of the age.

We have no excuse to repeat their mistakes, you are fully accountable for the decisions you make, STOP looking for excuses.

So, what can we say about David, look at the opening verses, if you read the pre and post texts, you would see that the Philistines had captured Bethlehem and they were a barrier blocking entrance to Bethlehem:

1 Chronicles 11:16

David was staying in the stronghold at the time, and a Philistine detachment had occupied the town of Bethlehem.

David thirsted for water from the well in Bethlehem. 

1 Chronicles 11:17

David remarked longingly to his men, “Oh, how I would love some of that good water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem.”

Three of his strong men risked their lives to get the water for him.

1 Chronicles 11:18

So the Three broke through the Philistine lines, drew some water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem, and brought it back to David. But David refused to drink it. Instead, he poured it out as an offering to the Lord.

Now let us get this right, David didn't ask them to, he only expressed his desire and they heard of it and took action, an action that would have cost them their lives.

Now, for a moment let us ask, do we yet have loyalty like this in this generation? I do not mean loyalty to do evil but committed to good.

What was David's response?

1 Chronicles 11:19

“God forbid that I should drink this!” he exclaimed. “This water is as precious as the blood of these men who risked their lives to bring it to me.” So David did not drink it. These are examples of the exploits of the Three.

He gave up his extreme thirst because he believed that the water had become precious because of the sacrifice those men put into it to get to Him, what did he do, he offered it to the Lord.

Look at this! In this day and age when supposed ministers would fleece people of their hard earned money and use it for personal projects and refuse to be accountable, can we find people with the heart of David?

These times when you go to a supposed spiritual gathering to be edified and elevated in the Spirit to come forth and become a good ambassador for Christ. What you have is people who come out with a mad rush to get money and other material gains.Then we wonder if it is God that is served or Mammon!

Do you get the point?

David was selfless, he did not play with God, He feared God. He was always like, how do I please God in all I do, He wasn't perfect but His heart was right.

Can we think of others like this, Joseph son of Jacob, what of my mentor Daniel, what an upright man.

Then coming to the time of the apostles, you talk of people like Cornelius.

Listen, are you after God's heart?

Or are you one of those whose only business with God is to ask, ask and ask. If you hear there is a move of God here you run there, if you hear this one there you run there but you have no personal relationship with the Heavenly Father!

Remember, it is your heart He sees, not those activities and gymnastics.

Do you have a heart after God. Or you are looking for one exploit that would happen from one corner of the earth to the other. You would keep being deceived because many will yet arise from east to west and north to south but you would account to God not them. Selah

Bring your heart to God.

Romans 12:1-2

And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Is it that you would not make mistakes. No. I make mistakes, but let your heart always be clean.

So are you ready to place your heart on God first, or have other things taken preeminence?

Make the right adjustment today.

Help us Good Lord.


Lord my heart is Yours, it all belongs to You, I give You all the glory, yes, Lord I love You. Glory to Your name Lord forevermore. 

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher.


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