1 Thessalonians 5:18

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

At what gesture do we need to show appreciation?

Your ability to show appreciation is a measure of the love inside of you.

1 John 4:16

We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.

Every form of appreciation encourages the doer to do more good.

Somethings we do take the following for granted:

A. The ones who regularly calls or checks up on us.

B. The ones who always has a good advice for us.

C. The ones who gives us things even as little as recharge cards or pay our transport fares or gives us a ride.

D. The ones who corrects our mistake.

E. The ones who shares the word of God with us.

F. The ones who makes our worship comfortable as a worker in church.

E. The ones who work under us or serve us.

F. The ones whom we work under or serve.

G. The ones who allow us come in front of them while we drive.

H. The ones who gives us useful information to save us from stress or wasted efforts.

I. The ones who watch over our kids.

J. Our siblings who are always there for us.

 the lists goes on and on.

Please never get to a point where these little gestures don't matter to you. Every effort at showing love to you should be appreciated.

A simple phrase like

* thank you

* I appreciate you

* God bless you

* Love you

* You are a darling


could go a long way to encourage more love around us.

We even find it hard sometimes to appreciate our children, these is their confidence boost and also appreciation shown to them will make them grow up filled with love and ready to show appreciation also.

Let us destroy the negativity and lack of love around.

Good must be our activity and love our motive.

As we remember God's love towards us in sacrificing His one and only Son. Lets create, encourage and brew love all around us.

Have you shown appreciation to God today, Will you continue to show appreciation to God in all your activities?


Loving Father thank You, thank You Lord for I am nothing without You. You make me great and glorious I shine of Your glory. May I be a person of appreciation and may I also be appreciated. Glory to Your name Lord forevermore.

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher.


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