2 Kings 19:22-23,28,35

“Whom have you been defying and ridiculing? 

Against whom did you raise your voice? 

At whom did you look with such haughty eyes? 

It was the Holy One of Israel!

By your messengers you have defied the Lord. 

You have said, ‘With my many chariots 

I have conquered the highest mountains— yes, the remotest peaks of Lebanon. 

I have cut down its tallest cedars and its finest cypress trees. 

I have reached its farthest corners and explored its deepest forests.

And because of your raging against me and your arrogance, which I have heard for myself, 

I will put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth. 

I will make you return by the same road on which you came.”

That night the angel of the lord went out to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. When the surviving Assyrians woke up the next morning, they found corpses everywhere.

Sennacherib boasted, yes his ancestors had taken over nations, he as king also had taken over nations. He then thought that he was all in all, he ignorantly spoke against the God of Israel, daring to compare with dead gods.

Listen, many who attack God's own have limited knowledge, some do not know God while some others may not know that they are fighting God's own. The ignorance is not excused. When you battle God's own you actually battle God.

The believers also should never be ignorant of their authority and their right as children of God, that the enemy would not take advantage.

Know this, every destroyer would yet be destroyed.

See, the father of them all, the devil himself would yet be destroyed, so every one who follows that path has the same fate.

Don't let anyone bully you, do what Hezekiah did, bring their threat to the Lord God and He would prove Himself God.

2 Kings 19:15-19

And Hezekiah prayed this prayer before the Lord: “O Lord, God of Israel, you are enthroned between the mighty cherubim! You alone are God of all the kingdoms of the earth. You alone created the heavens and the earth.

Bend down, O Lord, and listen! Open your eyes, O Lord, and see! Listen to Sennacherib’s words of defiance against the living God.

“It is true, Lord, that the kings of Assyria have destroyed all these nations.

And they have thrown the gods of these nations into the fire and burned them. But of course the Assyrians could destroy them! They were not gods at all—only idols of wood and stone shaped by human hands.

Now, O Lord our God, rescue us from his power; then all the kingdoms of the earth will know that you alone, O Lord, are God.”

God would always prove Himself, as long as you stay faithful.

Understand that no matter what people say or do against the Lord it would not change Who He is or His glory. However, if they are foolish enough to come for His own, He would arise on their behalf.

Does this mean that believers would not suffer persecution? No

Does this mean that supposed "men of God" cannot be called into account? No

The Lord fights for His own to glorify Himself, hence we see the prayer of Hezekiah and the wisdom behind it.

The Lord is above all and no one can dictate to Him. So who is that destroyer, they would surely be destroyed for everyone must yet account to the Almighty.

Listen to Isaiah's prophesy against Assyria, the same applies to all who destroy and those who oppress others:

Isaiah 33:1

What sorrow awaits you Assyrians, who have destroyed others but have never been destroyed yourselves. 

You betray others, but you have never been betrayed. 

When you are done destroying, you will be destroyed. 

When you are done betraying, you will be betrayed.

Listen, never be the reason any innocent one cries each day, do not be the pain to those who you take care for, be it that they are employed by you or you have an influence over their affairs.

The Lord fights for the poor and innocent.

Don't be caught in a losing battle.

Stay on the Lord's side.

Glory to God forevermore.


Loving Father may I not be a pain to anyone and may no one be able to cause me pain. You fight my battles Lord and every destroyer would yet be destroyed. Yes. Glory to Your name Lord.

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher


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