(read patiently)

2 Kings 12:2,4-6,8-12,14-15

All his life Joash did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight because Jehoiada the priest instructed him.

One day King Joash said to the priests, “Collect all the money brought as a sacred offering to the lord’s Temple, whether it is a regular assessment, a payment of vows, or a voluntary gift.

Let the priests take some of that money to pay for whatever repairs are needed at the Temple.”

But by the twenty-third year of Joash’s reign, the priests still had not repaired the Temple.

So the priests agreed not to accept any more money from the people, and they also agreed to let others take responsibility for repairing the Temple.

Then Jehoiada the priest bored a hole in the lid of a large chest and set it on the right-hand side of the altar at the entrance of the Temple of the Lord. The priests guarding the entrance put all of the people’s contributions into the chest.

Whenever the chest became full, the court secretary and the high priest counted the money that had been brought to the Lord’s Temple and put it into bags.

Then they gave the money to the construction supervisors, who used it to pay the people working on the Lord’s Temple—the carpenters, the builders,

the masons, and the stonecutters. They also used the money to buy the timber and the finished stone needed for repairing the Lord’s Temple, and they paid any other expenses related to the Temple’s restoration.

It was paid to the workmen, who used it for the Temple repairs.

No accounting of this money was required from the construction supervisors, because they were honest and trustworthy men.

Reading through these events we notice that ministers have most times not been good at managing ministry finances. There is this thing about those in ministry and money, most seem just not good at giving account of finances. 

So when you see pastors and ministers living lavish lifestyles today know that it has also been an error of old, no one who serves the Lord as a minister, whatever their title is called to live that way, NO ONE!

In the midst of these can we commend those faithful ones, who may have no title in the ministry but are upright in their doings. They are the ones called faithful:

2 Kings 12:11,15

Then they gave the money to the construction supervisors, who used it to pay the people working on the lord’s Temple—the carpenters, the builders,

No accounting of this money was required from the construction supervisors, because they were honest and trustworthy men.

Listen, you may claim whatever title you like in ministry, be ye Pope, Bishop, Apostle, General overseer, Revd, Pastor or whatever title, it is your fruit that would identify you.

Matthew 7:16, 20-21

You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.

“Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter.

What is your testimony, what fruit do you manifest?

Are you faithful with what the Lord has entrusted to you? Are you faithful with what others have entrusted to you?

Let us talk about king Joash.

2 Kings 12:2

All his life Joash did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight because Jehoiada the priest instructed him.

The influence of the priest at that time ensured that the king was faithful to the Lord all his days.

Remember that the king began to reign at a tender age of seven, and he resigned for forty years!

Can we say the same for the influence of ministers of God in the life of our leaders today?

What is the advantage of our supposed ministers having access to our leaders? Is it for prestige, relevance or to get rewards?

It should be for Godly influence, to influence them to lead rightly, bringing the word of God to them, else the access is a waste.

Enough of a society filled with supposed men of God with divers titles, yet evil and wickedness fills the land. Let us have those who are really filled with the fear of God and are thus faithful.

Know this, everyone would account to God, no one is exempted so live as one who will give good account.

Help us Good Lord.


You are faithful Loving Father, help me Lord to be faithful in my dealings. May I represent You well, wherever You lead me. I will glorify You Lord. Glory to Your name Lord forevermore.

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher.


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