1 Kings 21:3-4,14-16

But Naboth replied, “The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance that was passed down by my ancestors.”

So Ahab went home angry and sullen because of Naboth’s answer. The king went to bed with his face to the wall and refused to eat!

The town leaders then sent word to Jezebel, “Naboth has been stoned to death.”

When Jezebel heard the news, she said to Ahab, “You know the vineyard Naboth wouldn’t sell you? Well, you can have it now! He’s dead!”

So Ahab immediately went down to the vineyard of Naboth to claim it.

Listen, if you did evil to get that thing you lusted after, be wise enough NOT to include God into the equation!

The Heavenly Father will not support your wickedness no matter how much you paint it to look good. Hiding it is foolishness for you cannot hide anything from Him.

Listen, Achan stole items that they were instructed not to take, he didn't go unpunished. Even the man after God's heart caused the death of a man to take his wife he suffered it for years.

Never think you are too smart for God to handle. His angels are at work ready to take action. There is no place for you to hide.

Leave evil and wickedness alone, they are not for you child of God.

Where does it start from: "the heart".

Proverbs 4:23

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

Be mindful of those you call friends, those you have around can influence you and that which you know as wrong will become normal to you because of the power of influence, persistence and media. Be careful.

Are you also an influencer for evil? You prompt people to do evil things, be careful for that is what you will keep seeing around you. Keep your hands clean. Clear your heart of all the debris. Be free!

Ephesians 4:30-32

And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.

Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

The downfall of Ahab can be traced to his wife, she was a bundle of evil schemes. She killed the prophets of God without any remorse. Be careful who you marry!

Be careful of what relationships you establish or entangle yourself in!

What the Lord calls abominable will not become okay, even if the whole world says it is so. No matter the laws enacted, the constitutional amendments or the policy made, God's word supercedes them all.

So be careful, do not get caught up in evil.

May the love of God fill our hearts.


Loving Father keep me unspotted from the evil in the world. Let all I think, speak or do please You Dear Father. Glory to Your name Lord forevermore.

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher.


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