1 Kings 14:1-3,6,9-10

At that time Jeroboam’s son Abijah became very sick.

So Jeroboam told his wife, “Disguise yourself so that no one will recognize you as my wife. Then go to the prophet Ahijah at Shiloh—the man who told me I would become king.

Take him a gift of ten loaves of bread, some cakes, and a jar of honey, and ask him what will happen to the boy.”

So when Ahijah heard her footsteps at the door, he called out, “Come in, wife of Jeroboam! Why are you pretending to be someone else?” Then he told her, “I have bad news for you.

You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made other gods for yourself and have made me furious with your gold calves. And since you have turned your back on me,

I will bring disaster on your dynasty and will destroy every one of your male descendants, slave and free alike, anywhere in Israel. I will burn up your royal dynasty as one burns up trash until it is all gone.

God is not mocked.

Jeroboam was given a special opportunity by God to rule Israel, his family would continue to rule if only he stayed faithful. What did he do? He abandoned God and went after idols instead. He made it all about himself, trying to fight to keep what he didn't work for in the first place.

Trouble now comes and he sent his wife to disguise and go look for the prophet who brought him the prophesy in the first place.

What had he been doing all those years? Evil upon evil.

Listen, you cannot play around with God. Come on, He is God.

This is why I do not support all these jamboree prayers, worship and miracles sessions here and there. People live their lives away from God but want to enjoy miracles and blessings from him, yet they are not dedicated to Him.

Listen, if you are truly God's own you don't need any transactions or public stunts to enjoy His blessings. All you need is to walk in obedience. Be in fellowship with Him. If you are a member of His kingdom, no one can stop you from accessing His presence. You already are in His presence.

Listen to Jesus:

Matthew 6:33

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Jeroboam lived away from God, yet wanted to enjoy God's blessings and kingdom benefits. No you cannot rebel and yet enjoy sonship. Selah

What did he get instead, woes!

Enough of all these camouflage Christianity, we are christians on Sunday or any worship day but are something else on other days.

We carry about terrible characters and dispositions, in the family, workplace, neighbourhood etc, yet we display holy character during those prayer times and worship periods. Come on, who are we deceiving?

You are selfish, never helping at home, do not take care of your parents, spouse or children. Your Christianity is only for supposed men of God as if you are trying to buy your salvation. Sorry, that is not the true gospel.

Can we stop trying to mock God.

He sees your heart, He knows the end from the beginning. He is God!

Can all ministers begin to teach the right thing, can we bring the heart and mind of the people to God and not to ourselves or mammon.

Enough of all these perversions, can we come back to God!

O help us Good Lord.


Loving Father, I remain true to You there is no other Lord in my life but You Lord God. Keep me faithful Father, let me live my life to please You at all times. I have no alternative for You are my All in All. Glory to Your name Lord forevermore.

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher.


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