2 Samuel 9:3,7-8,12-13

The king then asked him, “Is anyone still alive from Saul’s family? If so, I want to show God’s kindness to them.”Ziba replied, “Yes, one of Jonathan’s sons is still alive. He is crippled in both feet.”

“Don’t be afraid!” David said. “I intend to show kindness to you because of my promise to your father, Jonathan. I will give you all the property that once belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will eat here with me at the king’s table!”

Mephibosheth bowed respectfully and exclaimed, “Who is your servant, that you should show such kindness to a dead dog like me?”

Mephibosheth had a young son named Mica. From then on, all the members of Ziba’s household were Mephibosheth’s servants.

And Mephibosheth, who was crippled in both feet, lived in Jerusalem and ate regularly at the king’s table.

Especially in some poor countries some churches have promoted this ideology of "my helper". This refers to someone who God sends to take one out of poverty and bring them into wealth.

Is there a reality to this? Of course there is, however, lack of understanding have made many misinterpret this and some abuse it.

Our real helper is the Lord Himself. How does the Lord help us? In many ways including using people. Understand that when you help the poor, you lend to the Lord.

Proverbs 19:17

If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord— and he will repay you!

Listen, every human should be a helper to another. For we are in different phases in life.

David was now comfortable, in his comfort He had God in His mind "What could he give to God?", he thought. He wanted to build a house for Him. He didn't stop there, next he asked after the family of Saul and remembered his promise to a dear friend Jonathan.

It was in this search that Mephibosheth was mentioned and David invited him to constantly dine on the kings table, while all of Saul's lands and servants were restored to him.

Truly, your helper will come.

I have always said that we as humans need other humans one time and another. With the Lord's intervention you can receive help in whatever area you have need. The Lord can move a heart that has the answer to your prayers and everything will turn around.

On the other hand always remember that you also are a helper. Do not resist when the Lord moves you to bless and/or uplift another. 

Listen, your first step out of the thousand you have taken, might be a hundred step for someone who has been struggling, helping with that one step can be a huge relief to them. Help someone today. Selah

So, where do you need help, wait on the Lord, don't give up. He will help you. Your helper is not far away. However, do not get complacent neither be you lazy. Listen to what the Lord is saying so that you get direction. It will help you know if a seeming help is from the Lord or if it is a trap. May we never get into a trap in the haste to receive help!

No one will take you away from the Lord if they are a true help, instead they will bring you closer to Him.

Psalms 121:1-2

I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there?

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!

Your help has come today.

Glory to God.


Loving Father, I know that no one who sincerely calls to You for help is ignored. Send my help today. Father help me also to be of help to someone today. Glory to Your name Lord forevermore.

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher.


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