Deuteronomy 4:44-45

This is the body of instruction that Moses presented to the Israelites.

These are the laws, decrees, and regulations that Moses gave to the people of Israel when they left Egypt,

The children of Israel were about to enter the promised land. One thing was important - instructions.

Every nation that will survive and prosper would need to be guided by instructions. There is no way you can build any solid foundation  without instructions. Good laws make the land great.

Proverbs 7:1-2

Follow my advice, my son; always treasure my commands. Obey my commands and live! Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes.

If only the children of Israel had stuck to obedience they would surely have continued to prosper and conquer their enemies.

As believers we also need to stick with God's instructions. That is the only way we can prosper and win in this world and thus take our position here and in the world to come.

Proverbs 4:13

Take hold of my instructions; don’t let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life.

There is a great error most people make when it comes to instructions, they talk of not being under the law. They say we are under grace, however what they do not understand is that grace never comes alone, it comes with TRUTH!

What is truth?

John 1:17 

For the law was given by Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

Let's listen to Christ conversation with the Father.

John 17:13-14,17

“Now I am coming to you. I told them many things while I was with them in this world so they would be filled with my joy.

I have given them your word. And the world hates them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world.

Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.

If you don't live by God's instruction you can't live in His holiness, you should therefore not expect to encounter Him.

We have a lot of problems in the church today because people are not discipled therefore discipline is lacking!

Children are brought up without proper instructions and guidance then we complain of their character later on.

We need to bring back the place of discipleship in the church, our homes and our community. Discipline birthed from good instructions should be the order of the day.

If the world isn't getting it right, what of the church? Are we?

It is time to bring God back into our lives, not just to meet our needs and answer our prayers but having His nature imprinted in us, for that is how He made us.

The Lord strengthen all those who continue to walk in obedience to Him. Let those who have lost their way return to the Lord.

Matthew 5:16,48

In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.

We cannot have these number of believers and yet have no impact on the world.

Beginning from me the Glory of the Lord shall fill the whole earth.

Help us Good Lord.


Lord help me walk in obedience to Your instruction, keeping Your status as Your Spirit continues to lead me. Glorify Yourself in me Lord, let me always be in Your presence. Glory to Your name forevermore.

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher


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