Numbers 28:4,8,10,15

Sacrifice one lamb in the morning and the other in the evening.

Offer the second lamb in the evening with the same grain offering and liquid offering. It, too, is a special gift, a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

This is the burnt offering to be presented each Sabbath day, in addition to the regular burnt offering and its accompanying liquid offering.

“On the first day of each month, you must also offer one male goat for a sin offering to the Lord. This is in addition to the regular burnt offering and its accompanying liquid offering.

In Numbers chapter 28, we see various offerings the people ought to bring to the Lord. As we have discussed in earlier writings, offerings to the Lord has always been there from the beginning. The first record was that of Cain and Abel.

As believers we may not be bound by the regulated offerings as we do not celebrate all the enlisted festivals, however it remains a picture for us on how to give to the Lord.

Every serious believer who is part of a fold must surely be committed to giving to that fold.

What are these offerings for? They are to take care of the people who serve at the altar, to provide for the daily need of the church and also for the spreading of the gospel to all nations.

1 Corinthians 9:13-14

Don’t you realize that those who work in the temple get their meals from the offerings brought to the temple? And those who serve at the altar get a share of the sacrificial offerings.

In the same way, the Lord ordered that those who preach the Good News should be supported by those who benefit from it.

Our offerings are also meant to take care of the poor including orphans, widows and all those who are in crises, like those in places of persecution or war.

Romans 15:26

For you see, the believers in Macedonia and Achaia have eagerly taken up an offering for the poor among the believers in Jerusalem.

1 Corinthians 16:1-2

Now regarding your question about the money being collected for God’s people in Jerusalem. You should follow the same procedure I gave to the churches in Galatia.

On the first day of each week, you should each put aside a portion of the money you have earned. Don’t wait until I get there and then try to collect it all at once.

Giving is a big part of our faith as Christians and we must be part of it. Just as we see in the laws of Moses and also in the counsel of Paul, scheduled offerings will help us to be faithful in giving as true stewards.

Truly, there are times the Spirit leads us to give, we do well to obey. We must remember this:

"It is from what the Lord gives us that we give"

1 Corinthians 4:7

For what gives you the right to make such a judgment? What do you have that God hasn’t given you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?

May the Spirit continue to guide us to give offerings that will be received of the Lord.

Help us Good Lord.


Dear Lord help me to be a true and faithful giver, I will not err in giving neither by giving for selfish purposes or compulsion. I know You will keep blessing me Lord and make me the channel through whom You reach out to those who are in need. I honour You Lord with all You have given me. Glory to Your name forevermore.

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher


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