Numbers 22:6,12

Please come and curse these people for me because they are too powerful for me. Then perhaps I will be able to conquer them and drive them from the land. I know that blessings fall on any people you bless, and curses fall on people you curse.”

But God told Balaam, “Do not go with them. You are not to curse these people, for they have been blessed!”

We could very well get comfortable because we have experienced some type of victory or escaped some form of challenge that we think that the battle is over. Not really.

What we see is the product of the finished work and not the events that took place in the secret.

The same way we see the output on the computer screen that is a product of requests, the layman would not understand or even know the processes that took place behind the screen for us to get our output.

The same way we may have no idea of the events, plots and battles already won for us in the spirit before the manifestations we see in the flesh.

Israel had just won two battles and they headed towards the promise land, the king of Moab, Balak, had seen how the Israelites defeated the Amorites, he knew he had to do something, so he sent for Balaam to be hired to curse the Israelites army:

Numbers 22:5-6

sent messengers to call Balaam son of Beor, who was living in his native land of Pethor near the Euphrates River. His message said:“Look, a vast horde of people has arrived from Egypt. They cover the face of the earth and are threatening me.

Please come and curse these people for me because they are too powerful for me. Then perhaps I will be able to conquer them and drive them from the land. I know that blessings fall on any people you bless, and curses fall on people you curse.”

You go out there to work, school, parliament or whatever business you are into and you think that everyone smiling at you has your best interest at heart. You err when you think you can be careless with everything and get away with it. No. That one who seems not to smile at you may be your true friend while those ones who smile at you may be the ones who plot against you when you are not present. The summary is - never lose guard do not be careless. Stay under His covering.

I love the way the Psalmist prophesied it.

Psalms 91:1-4

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

This I declare about the lord: 

He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.

For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.

He will cover you with his feathers. 

He will shelter you with his wings. 

His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

This does not mean that you look at everyone with hate or suspicion, No. It just means you should not be careless. Understand that your only true friend is the Lord God. You are blessed if you have faithful friends!

Your duty towards others is to love them!

Never lose guard, stay in prayer, stay in the word, keep on worshipping and live in faith and love.

I remember a military counsel, "don't forget the last man". That one you overlook may be the one that will destroy the whole mission.

Stay under God's cover continually.

O help us Good Lord.


Dear Lord help me to continually stay under your cover, may I never lose guard but be attentive to Your Spirit to know how to speak, act or be silent at all times. Lead me Dear Lord. I am safe in Your cover. Glory to Your name Lord forevermore.

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher


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