Genesis 19:4-5,13

But before they retired for the night, all the men of Sodom, young and old, came from all over the city and surrounded the house.

They shouted to Lot, “Where are the men who came to spend the night with you? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them!”

For we are about to destroy this city completely. The outcry against this place is so great it has reached the Lord, and he has sent us to destroy it.”

The evil was really great. Homosexuality was a way of life, not just that but public rape. Really the city was ripe for destruction.

Look at our world today are we not diplomatically doing the things that caused the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Paint it whatever way you want, when you leave evil unchecked, it consumes.

Remember when God warned Cain that sin was lurking at his door, he did nothing about it till it consumed him and made him a murderer.

It doesn't just escalate in a day. It comes in bit by bit, compromise by compromise before you know it what ought to be abominable becomes a norm.

What is left as we learnt some days ago is destruction.

Those who try to correct evil doers become the enemy to them:

Genesis 19:9

“Stand back!” they shouted. “This fellow came to town as an outsider, and now he’s acting like our judge! We’ll treat you far worse than those other men!” And they lunged toward Lot to break down the door.

Truly Lot made a mistake in chosing Sodom and Gomorrah. Be careful what your lustful eyes suggests to you. Not every prosperity is true prosperity. Many have derailed, because of the pleasure of their prosperity they have given up or utterly rejected the fear of God.

Genesis 13:5,10,12-13

Lot, who was traveling with Abram, had also become very wealthy with flocks of sheep and goats, herds of cattle, and many tents.

Lot took a long look at the fertile plains of the Jordan Valley in the direction of Zoar. The whole area was well watered everywhere, like the garden of the lord or the beautiful land of Egypt. (This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.)

So Abram settled in the land of Canaan, and Lot moved his tents to a place near Sodom and settled among the cities of the plain.

But the people of this area were extremely wicked and constantly sinned against the Lord.

Be careful where you pitch your tent!

I feel ashamed when supposed believers sing the praises of the wicked. People they ought to admonish and show the way of the Lord. Is it their wealth, ethnicity or tribe that motivates them? Have no business with those who have chosen evil. Why should you be a friend or supporter to those who oppress the innocent?

Ephesians 5:11-14

Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.

It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret.

But their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them,

for the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, 

“Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”

Remember what scriptures says:

1 Corinthians 15:33

Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character.”

Even if you feel you are covered, what of your household? Your children and those under your care? (Lot's wife and children were already caught in the web, later chapters shows us this)

Genesis 19:14

So Lot rushed out to tell his daughters’ fiancés, “Quick, get out of the city! The Lord is about to destroy it.” But the young men thought he was only joking.

May we never be trapped in the destruction of the wicked. We will never forget who we are in God. In Christ we will remain faithful.

So help us Good Lord.

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher 


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