Genesis 1:11-12

Then God said, “Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened.

The land produced vegetation—all sorts of seed-bearing plants, and trees with seed-bearing fruit. Their seeds produced plants and trees of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.

Being productive can be related to so many areas of productivity.

We must understand that God is all about productivity and that is what He expects of us. Idling around, being a nuisance, a pest or a busybody to other people's matter is not what God expects from us.

2 Thessalonians 3:11-13

Yet we hear that some of you are living idle lives, refusing to work and meddling in other people’s business.

We command such people and urge them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and work to earn their own living.

As for the rest of you, dear brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good.

Teach your children not to be comfortable spending what they have not worked for. Yes, let them learn how to do basic things and as they grow older, bigger and more productive things. They must know how to contribute to the welfare and development of whatever home, school, community or country they find themselves. Let your wards, members and all that listen to you know that they must be productive. God does not have business with lazy people!!! (We must learn from Joseph)

Jesus said:

John 15:1-2

“I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener.

He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.

So we must be productive by puting into force our God given talents and gifts, we must do the planting - it is the planted seed that the Lord causes to bear fruit. However, if you refuse to plant, what harvest are you expecting?

Arthur Campbell Ainger (1894) wrote the hymn "God is working His purpose out". The last verse says:

All we can do is nothing worth

unless God blesses the deed.

Vainly we hope for the harvest-tide till God gives life to the seed.

Yet nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be,

when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.

Every prosperity is of the Lord, you cannot really make it unless He permits you to, whether you know Him or not. It is wisdom to give Him the glory.

So, those that say, oh this person and that person does not know God yet they seem to prosper, always remember that by default every human was empowered to prosper and ofcourse in divers gifts.

So have you been lukewarm, have you allowed challenges or obstacles to stop you. Arise take your stand, begin to sow again. Remember, you are empowered to create like the One who made you. Separate so that you do not expend energy on that which is not your call. Then as we see in today's topic - become productive as you have identified that which is for you.

Matthew 20:1

“For the Kingdom of Heaven is like the landowner who went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard.

There is no place in scriptures where the Lord encouraged laziness, none. Instead, it encourages us to work, to be productive.

Listen to Paul who was in full time ministry:

1 Corinthians 4:12a

We work wearily with our own hands to earn our living. 

We must be productive!

Help us Good Lord, that though the 120 years we have to live on this earth is small, the impact will last beyond us and will abound in our reward for eternity.

Praise to God the Almighty.

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher


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