Ephesians 6:8

Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do, whether we are slaves or free.

The test of a person's character is not limited to a particular situation, for it is tested during difficult times and also pleasant times alike.

How do you handle money when you have little and when you have plenty? Can you give in both situations.

How humble are you when in authority, in contrast to when you are not in power?

The man Joseph is a good example. I love his story because he saw his vision at a very young age. It didn't make him proud or boastful, his only supposed mistake was to share his dream with his older siblings, he did this in good faith but their response was an opposing character - "envy and hate".

What is your content!

What do you have inside you? Situations only exposes it. Selah!

Comparing Joseph and Daniel, we observe that from a very young age they had built character.

Comparing we see that they were taken away from their homes at a young age.

Yet they kept character. What was the driving force, how was this initiated, we can see it from what Paul told Timothy:

2 Timothy 3:15

You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.

That is it.

Proverbs 22:6

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

The basics is to give that child the right training, and the best part of the training is in the word of the Lord. 

Have you trained any?

So, the child grows on these basics, definitely they will face challenges, well just like the adult, that is when the Holy Spirit steps in.

Have you ever asked, who were the mentors of Joseph and Daniel?

They couldn't have had, for they were sold into slavery and captivity respectively.

This is why I love to reference them, I look at so called men of God today, supposed filled with the Spirit etc. Yet their character cannot match this young boys who lived in the time of the law, yet some of them are so boastful and arrogant. Remember what Christ said:

Matthew 7:20

Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.

Hello, not by the gifts or display of supposed miracles or sweet talk!!?

So in "whatever way", you cannot afford to break character, you must remain Good "whatever way".

I do not need titles, I am just a believer this I tell people who try to give me one. The truth is that people don't have a clue of what is expected of these titles they bear. Do you know the heavy burden and expectations from being a "Pastor", forget all these noise makers we see all over the world. Do you know the high calling of being a Pastor? Listen:

Hebrews 13:17

Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit.

Do you know what it takes to be a "soul guardian"?

Do you know what it means to be accountable to God, then thinking of accounting for others? Hmm.

I am NOT interested on how much you boast to be prudent or faithful with money, until you are entrusted with money and you keep character.

I am NOT interested on how humble you are, till you are given authority and you work/walk in humility.

I am NOT interested in how loving you are till you are offended and you forgive.

I am NOT interested on how much you claim to love God, until you stay faithful to him and express His love to others.

The list is endless, will you stay in character, whatever way?

Before you think that you are better than Joseph or Daniel (I am talking to those with titles), have you failed, have you ever lost character? These two were never recorded as doing this, not even once! 

That one you reverence so much and has taken the place of God in your life, can they even compare in faithfullness to these two biblical examples? Yet these two never lorded it over anyone.

Stay Good, whatever way.

Help us Good Lord. 

He calls us blessed.


@the watcher 


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