Matthew 5:2-3

Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

The poor in the context of this verse does not refer to lack of wealth or substance, it was referring to humility, willingness to submit, not holding on to self . . .

Literally being poor is a condition of "not having" , it is deficiency. 

However, the poor in spirit are those who have given up their self acclamation to submit to God's acclamation.

The poor in the spirit are those who are not holding on to the things of this world, they are holding on to God. They have submitted to Him.

Talking of those who are poor in material things;

One can be poor of material things like money, possessions or wealth.

And one thing is certain we will always have people in that situation.

Matthew 26:11

"For you have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always.

Knowing that there would be people in need at all times should make us responsible with what we have, we have a duty to ensure that we do not waste whatever it is we have, knowing that someone may be in need of it.

You may say you are not poor, but at a point in time you may be in the position where you need help for one thing or the other and at that point the one with the solution to that need becomes the one on top. Most times when we have to pay for this solution we could take it for granted that we have not received help but ask yourself. What if the person with the solution to your need refused to sell.

There are things money cannot buy and when we have this kind of needs we begin to see that no human has the 100% position of being rich, we have wealthy men who are poor with their children, poor with their health, poor in character, poor in testimony and we have some wealthy in material things yet not having peace and joy inside (especially when they are alone).

As children of God being poor in spirit would cause us to use our blessings to bless others because we are not just for self but we are sold to the Lord. We have compassion towards the poor (not the lazy or entitled ones)

We understand that all these earthly things will pass away, and if we leave before the end of all things, we go with nothing. So wisdom is to have kingdom investments, that will not perish or be lost in time but will continue to appreciate for us to enjoy in eternity.

As the Lord increases us season after season in wealth let us look at wealth as more than money and material possession but extending to that which money cannot buy.

Revelation 3:17

 "Because you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'--and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked--

I see you submitting your spirit to the Holy Spirit. That everything you do this year will be pleasing to God. That you may be rich towards God.

Remember that the poor in spirit, have the kingdom of God.

You will cause many to give God praise for you will let God's wealth flow through you to them, materially or otherwise.

So help us Good Lord.

He calls us blessed.


@ the watcher.


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