How has the year been? Has it been all smooth, has there been rough tides sometimes or has it all been a battle?

If it is the earlier, give Him thanks. If it is the latter, don't let it get to you, you should be able to give God thanks because you:

* have people around you;
* can read this:
* you can speak;
* you can eat;
* have a job to do;
* have an appetite;
* can sleep;
* can think (even worry);
* are relevant;
* have a target to meet;
* have desires and aspirations


If you can tick any of these as yes, then give thanks for you are blessed.

Listen many seek for these things that seem so simple and have not found it.

You have every reason to thank God. For you only think your challenge is so big till you hear that of another. The world is full of it's ups and downs, many know how to hide their pains, while some are living a lie. We need a life that is higher than here and that is the life Christ gave to us.

The life gives meaning to everything and causes us to see from the right perspective - the kingdom perspective.

As things gets clearer to you, go ahead to make it clear to the next person. God is good, it is we who have not tapped into His goodness.

Let your thanksgiving summount every obstacles, delays, errors or failures that attempt to come your way.

He has done it before He will yet do it again and even better.

1Corinthians 15:57
 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Have a successful week. All things will fall into place. All will be well. For you and those in your care.

He calls us blessed.

@the watcher


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