John 15:17 

These things I command you, that ye love one another.

Philippians 2:1

Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy,

It will be difficult to live in love when carried away with the activities of this world. If you allow your mind to dwell too much on the not too interesting events of the past days, you may unconsciously begin to vent the stress or anger on someone else.

We should be conscious of God's love!

Well as humans we cannot boast of being 100% conscious. Check yourself, for truly we have a life to live on this earth and the secular life is part of it. Not all we do is spiritual, yet we must not get carried away. This is why we have the Holy Spirit. He comes into play, He is our helper.

He brings to remembrance those things Jesus taught us.

John 14:26

"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

The word of God gives us the consciousness of God's will at all times. Many have a lot to say about God's word (scriptures), some even want to criticize, others want to claim that they canonized it. Thank God we are at the age of wisdom, knowledge is exposed to all. We are not trapped or enslaved by one powerful fold or principality that would cage us from God's word, it was not so when Christ was here neither was it so when the apostles ministered, everyone had access to scriptures. So it is demonic to resist believers from reading and studying God's word - the scriptures. (. . . a topic for another day . . .)

If Love is of God, then we always have to be in His presence to showcase this character. We are reminded that God's presence with us is His Holy Spirit.

Galatians 5:22a

But the fruit of the Spirit is love . . .

Remember that there are vices that will not allow love to reign, we should kill it! Jealousy/envy, backbiting, pride, tribalism/racism, unhealthy competitions, selfishness and many more. They should not be found among us.

Today as we worship with other brethren may we come with love in our hearts that the author and the Person of Love Himself will fill us afresh.

We gather to be strengthened and edified and to go forth into the world to shine the true light. Not the madness we see today, like pastors building/refurbishing houses of idolatry, practice of unscriptural traditions and the mad rush for money or fame. May the eyes of the blinded ones be opened.

Never forget that God is interested in your heart, yes, your motive. If it is NOT love, then what else can it be?

Help us Good Lord.

He calls us blessed.


@ the watcher


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