Matthew 17:22-23

After they gathered again in Galilee, Jesus told them, “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of his enemies.

He will be killed, but on the third day he will be raised from the dead.” And the disciples were filled with grief.

As humans we seem to pay more attention to the pain than the gain.  Looking at these two verses it reads of pain till you see the ending. . . 

". . . but on the third day he will be raised from the dead. . . "

This is a wonder, a glory, but it seems to be all lost because of the pain that will lead to this glory. Just like a woman in labour, the pain seem to be everything at that moment but after a while it births its glory, she is overwhelmed with joy as the child comes forth. 

His resurrection is not a victory for Himself alone but for all who believe in Him, He paid the price but we all share in the glory. 

John 12:32

And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.”

We learn to know what pains to accept, the one that births real gain, not the one that has no purpose that is experienced because of our foolishness, wrong decisions or disobedience to the Heavenly Father. 

1 Peter 4:15-16

If you suffer, however, it must not be for murder, stealing, making trouble, or prying into other people’s affairs.

But it is no shame to suffer for being a Christian. Praise God for the privilege of being called by his name!

Even in our secular world there are little pains that could come from work, study, doing business or even investing. These could all be good pain for there is a good reward that covers the pain. It is profitable. 

For it is scriptural to work before you eat, for idleness, mediocrity and laziness is anti-scriptures:

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12

Even while we were with you, we gave you this command: “Those unwilling to work will not get to eat.”

Yet we hear that some of you are living idle lives, refusing to work and meddling in other people’s business.

We command such people and urge them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and work to earn their own living.

Yes, you only talk of rest, glory and pleasure after you have gone through the work. Our Heavenly Father gives us this good example Himself:

Genesis 2:2

On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work.

The rest comes after the work! 

Back to Matthew, Jesus predicted His death, yes so painful to imagine, but there was the hope in it, He will rise again after three days. 

See the glory at the end. . . 

1 Peter 5:10

In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.

What is it you are going through now, the word this morning says it is just for a little while. The pain will soon be over, your victory and rejoicing is here. Glory to God. 

Pray and worship, you are victorious. 

Romans 8:28

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Glory to God, we see the joy and gain beyond the pain. 

He calls us blessed. 


@the watcher. 


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