Matthew 13:55-58

Then they scoffed, “He’s just the carpenter’s son, and we know Mary, his mother, and his brothers—James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas.

All his sisters live right here among us. Where did he learn all these things?”

And they were deeply offended and refused to believe in him. Then Jesus told them, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his own family.”

And so he did only a few miracles there because of their unbelief.

We cannot expect to have effective prayers without faith, for faith is the driving force that releases power behind what we speak forth. However the hindrance to faith comes in many dimensions, one is when we look down or get offended by the one who is the medium for that flow of God's power. 

Christ could not do much in His physical hometown, why, the people were offended with Him. They looked down on Him. They said they knew his father, mother and siblings. What they did not know was that they were not actually, He was actually not of this world. 

In our previous study we recall that in Matthew 12:47-49, Christ told us what qualifies one to be a member of His family. This is why some err when they give glory to Mary or any other human as divine, it was never any of the Heavenly Father's agenda, we must be careful not to slip into the grand scheme of the enemy. For what the Lord did not initiate or intend, the enemy uses to draw people to rebel against God. Selah

So their unbelief came from familiarity and it cost them the joy of enjoying God's divine healings and grace. 

See Joseph's brother's took Him for granted, because of the same offense, even when he was nothing. Are people looking down on you? Don't be moved, we all pass through it. Listen IT CANNOT CHANGE WHO YOU ARE. Those who look down on you are the ones who would loose out of the glory the Lord is preparing for you. 

Joseph's brothers had to come and bow before Him. 

Yes, finally Christ Jesus was killed physically, however today and forever - 

Philippians 2:9-11

Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Never look down on anyone, don't let anyone's looking down on you move you. Know who you are. 

Never get too familiar with the Heavenly Father, don't degrade those He uses. Yes there are many false teachers, pastors, priests and prophets at this time. Christ says that we will know them by their fruits. However, what of those that demand nothing from you, they just do the work of the Father, don't take them for granted. Listen compare with the word, let God’s power be available to you, don't be too familiar. No one at this age or time has any reason NOT to study God's word, for it is available in many versions almost all languages and even in audio. What will be the excuse? 

We also have no excuse NOT to pray and worship, it is free and we can do it at anytime and anywhere. Know the Heavenly Father yourself!!! 

For what is spirit is spirit, know the difference between true spirituality and the physical. Know the Heavenly Father yourself, then you will understand what He confirms by His messengers. 

We will enjoy our full rights as sons/daughters, we will not take the Lord for granted. 

He calls us blessed. 


@the watcher 


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