Matthew 9:24-25
“Get out!” he told them. “The girl isn’t dead; she’s only asleep.” But the crowd laughed at him.
After the crowd was put outside, however, Jesus went in and took the girl by the hand, and she stood up!

There are times we need to clear the room of all the negative that faith may thrive. It is not that the occupants are really evil but due to ignorance or carnality they just can't see from the perspective of the Spirit. They thus become a hindrance to the manifestation of the divine. So can be the human mind, at this times - WE CLEAR THE ROOM!

The atmosphere at Jairus' house was already that of a funeral, the songs were being played thus everyone's heart was set on the fact that the girl was dead. If you were in that place most likely you would have had the same mindset. However the giver of life was around.

We live in times when it seems that God is silent. Is He? No. The issue has always been that we do not listen. We are too conscious of the world and its issues that we do not hear when He speaks. The so called, or self proclaimed prophets are prophesying over irrelevant and mundane things making a mockery of the divine and fooling those who allow themselves to be gullible. Wake Up:

Psalms 62:11
God has spoken plainly, and I have heard it many times:
Power, O God, belongs to you;

Do we really want to hear what God is saying? If it is not about earthly prosperity these generation would not accept it as "what the Lord is saying", the minds of many who say they believe contradict faith itself. Are we beclouded?

Would Christ have also asked you(me) to leave the room at that time?

A chinese proverb says that a full cup ought to be emptied before we can bring in new substance into it. What are we full of - doubt or faith? Are we really led by the Spirit, or by feelings, our environment or even our appetite? The love of earthy things has beclouded the mind of most of us. Hmm.

There are times we need to clear the room that the Heavenly Father can manifest through us. Spiritual retreats have been turned to other strange things in our time. Really many have missed it. However, we can still get it right. The Lord still directs.

The Lord will help us:

Philemon 1:25
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

He calls us blessed.

@the watcher


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