Genesis 26:34-35
At the age of forty, Esau married two Hittite wives: Judith, the daughter of Beeri, and Basemath, the daughter of Elon.
But Esau’s wives made life miserable for Isaac and Rebekah.

As we get to Genesis 25, we see Abraham leave the scene, his legacy continued by his legitimate son, Isaac. We see God's hand in his life as he prospers yet in a foreign land.

The same event between Abraham, Sarah and King Abimelech occurs between Isaac, Rebecca and Abimelech(this may be the 2nd).

So Isaac lived on the legacy, then comes the next generation, the twins Jacob and Esau, here comes the power of choice. For as the numbers increase variation sets in. For man becomes dynamic in themselves, people will see the right path, however they would yet choose which path they would follow. Thus the introductory verses tells us that Esau's decision to marry wives from strange places brought grief to Isaac and Rebecca.(IT DID NOT BEGIN IN ONE DAY - remember, he had sold off his birthright)

I always say that, the power to choose lies with us, however the consequences of our action is not up to us. Rejection comes because of rebellion, for rebellion is displayed in disobedience. It was obvious that Esau would loose out on the plan as was foretold, he was not disciplined, neither was he humble or do I say patient enough to learn from the generation before him. Definitely their father would have taught them the history of their relationship with God, yet he still chose the other way.

As parents, what do we do when our children derailing from the right path? We scold and discipline them early. As the days go by, in love we give them more time, letting them know the essence of the right path and the dangers of the wrong path. Of course as they grow older it will get to that point when they would have to decide. Our prayers and intercession for them would come into play, that the Spirit of God would lead them to make the right choices.

Nothing like delivering that soul in your house, before those that are without. Help us Dear Lord.

May the Lord make us faithful, may the Lord keep our children and our generation faithful. We will keep the legacy of Christ.

We will have a good testimony.

He calls us blessed.

@the watcher


  1. May God that owns everything take absolute control of our lives and lead us toward the right direction. Amen


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