Psalm 74:10
O God, how long shall the adversary reproach? shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever?

Still on judgment on the wicked, Asaph one of the psalmist of the ark, sings of God's judgment on the wicked.

The recurring question:

Psalms 74:10-11
How long, O God, will you allow our enemies to insult you?
Will you let them dishonor your name forever?
Why do you hold back your strong right hand?
Unleash your powerful fist and destroy them.

The same way those who have been killed for the sake of the gospel ask:

Revelation 6:9-11
When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of all who had been martyred for the word of God and for being faithful in their testimony.
They shouted to the Lord and said, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you judge the people who belong to this world and avenge our blood for what they have done to us?”
Then a white robe was given to each of them. And they were told to rest a little longer until the full number of their brothers and sisters—their fellow servants of Jesus who were to be martyred—had joined them.

For yes it may seem that the Lord delayeth judgment, nevertheless He is working for our good.
*For His delight is in salvation and not destruction!* 
For beginning from Israel, He reaches out to the whole world:

Psalms 74:2,12
Remember that we are the people you chose long ago, the tribe you redeemed as your own special possession!
And remember Jerusalem, your home here on earth.
You, O God, are my king from ages past, bringing salvation to the earth.

Yes but that does not mean that the wicked will go unpunished, no, for even when they turn to be saved and gain eternal life, they consequences of their error must be faced.

Psalms 74:23
Don’t overlook what your enemies have said or their growing uproar.

May we never envy the evil ones, for their path and end differs from that of the righteous. 


May we never be carried away trying to play judge, instead let us enjoy our salvation. The Lord will take care of the wicked.

Matthew 5:44.
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Glory to God. He will deal with the wicked.

And bless the righteous.

He calls us blessed.

@ the watcher.


  1. His path of the way, nobody knows .He is wonderful God who does things only at their own appointed time. Glory be to his Holy name


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