Psalms 61:3(message)
 You've always given me breathing room, a place to get away from it all,

Thank God for His Spirit, when we read through scriptures we are not blinded by the veil, but have an understanding of God's power revealed then and now. Halleluyah.
For we see beyond the letter.

David from his encounters was able to express, furthermore because of the anointing, He could prophesy about the Messiah and the victory we would have after His coming.

When we talk of enemies today, how many of us have faced what he faced during his time on earth?  Yet we must understand that our greatest enemy could be ourselves, for if the Heavenly Father deals with our external enemies, are we ready for Him to deal with us?

In all he reveals God's love and brings to light revelations of God’s power, mercy and love for those who put their trust in Him.

Psalms 61:1-3
O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed.
Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.

That rock is Jesus the Christ!

He goes ahead to reveal that there is an inheritance for those who fear Him:

Psalms 61:5
For you have heard my vows, O God. You have given me an inheritance reserved for those who fear your name.

Colossians 3:24
Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

Two major things he ends this Psalm with:

Psalms 61:8
Then I will sing praises to your name forever as I fulfill my vows each day.

* Praise to His name forever and
* fulfilling of our vow.

Do not be hasty to vow to the Lord. For He takes it seriously. Why the rush, He does not compel you. Why then play around with it.

See the way the Preacher explains it:

Ecclesiastes 5:4-7
When you make a promise to God, don’t delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools. Keep all the promises you make to him.
It is better to say nothing than to make a promise and not keep it.
Don’t let your mouth make you sin. And don’t defend yourself by telling the Temple messenger that the promise you made was a mistake. That would make God angry, and he might wipe out everything you have achieved.
Talk is cheap, like daydreams and other useless activities. Fear God instead.

Don't play around with vows, for you could take it for granted but the recorder does not.

Acts 18:18
 Paul stayed a while longer in Corinth, but then it was time to take leave of his friends. Saying his good-byes, he sailed for Syria, Priscilla and Aquila with him. Before boarding the ship in the harbor town of Cenchrea, he had his head shaved as part of a vow he had taken.

These are times when we have believers playing around, taking lightly spiritual matters. Yes, for all things we stand for have been made a mockery of by those who do not believe or practice false religions and by those who discern spiritual things by philosophy and intellect.

The worst being those who use the name of the Lord to fleece the flock, and peddle lies and deceit. Then those who call upon the name of the Lord and yet have not departed from iniquity.

In all, the truth cannot be changed, Christ remains all in all, for in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

May we never derail, no matter how strong the argument, God is not the author of confusion. He will not save the world through His Son and yet create another messiah. Do not play around for He does not.

1 Timothy 2:5
For,There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus.


He calls us blessed.

@the watcher.


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