WE PRAY AND WATCH (Psalm 6 & 7)

Psalm 7:10
 My defence [is] of God, which saveth the upright in heart.

One thing we notice from some of the Psalms even those of David,  is the reference to enemies. Yes David was a man who always was at war. For from the lion and the bear he faced Goliath and even king Saul was a threat.

It very well trained him to be who he was and to be able to rule as king who found favour in God's sight, even with the errors that he made.

One thing we can give him, was that his heart was always with the Lord.

When we talk of trials and temptations today, we most times miss it for some of the difficulties we face are as a result of our wrong choices, bad characters, laziness and not being led by the Spirit.

Why do we pray?

One major reason the Messiah gave was that we do not fall into temptation!

Mark 14:38
Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly [is] ready, but the flesh [is] weak.

Prayer goes beyond just staying at a place mumbling words. Where is your heart?

I talked to a brother from a certain denomination yesterday: the word of the Lord came to him

"how long will you keep fighting battles I have already won for you, a child cries when they need something, for they yet do not know how to speak. However when an adult cries when they need something you rebuke them. We must outgrow certain things if we are believers, else we get to meet our Heavenly Father at the end to find that our files are empty, for we spent the whole time fighting unnecessary battles. When do  we fulfill our assignment?"

We must understand that if we go on complaining of enemies here and there, when will we have time to fulfill our assignment. hat impact will we make as sons. The times keeps ticking away as we delay.

Psalms 6:6
I am worn out from sobbing. All night I flood my bed with weeping, drenching it with my tears.

Thank God he went on to say:

Psalms 6:9.
The lord has heard my plea; the lord will answer my prayer.


Psalms 7:10
God is my shield, saving those whose hearts are true and right.

So when we pray we also watch, we should get direction. For many pray but become lazy to take necessary actions.

Romans 12:11(NLT)
Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.

Yes we pray and we also watch.

We must be spiritually alert.

That we do not fall into temptation and that we do not get carried away with worldly activities and battling for things that will pass away.

The Lord will help us.

He calls us blessed.

@the watcher


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