Phillipians 2:13
 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

Acts 26:16
But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee;

When is your birthday?

The day you begin a thing is the day you were born into it.
Until you have come to an acknowledgement of a truth, you cannot fully live in it.

You could be
* around the truth
* within the truth or
* arguing the truth

You never get the benefit of it until you accept and receive the truth.

John 8:32
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

What exactly is a birth date? Is it the time you came into the world, the time you received salvation through Yeshau Jesus the Christ, the time you discovered your purpose or the time you initiated that idea, when the vision is made plain?

It is never too late to start on that which God wants you to do or achieve. Once you have identified it go ahead and begin.

It is your birth day for that particular assignment and surely you will complete it.

The day you decided to accept the salvation in Yeshua Jesus the Christ, that is your spiritual birthday. So also the day you begin to fulfil that assignment God has given you.

When you discover and begin, then it is born. Selah!

For every purpose there is a begining. That is the procreation that God gave beyond bearing physical children

Philippians 1:6
 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;

I cannot just keep on celebrating the day I come into this world. I should also celebrate the beginning of a new purpose, new assignment or a new project till I accomplish it.

What have you carried within for so long and you are yet to give birth to? What is it that the Lord has purposed in you that you are yet to bring forth. The incubation time is almost over, it is time to give birth. Selah

What birth are you celebrating today? Selah

I see us correcting mistakes, taking up unfinished projects, revisiting abandoned assignments and perfecting our Godly character. I see us taking up new projects and new assignments. It is not late.

We will not be known as "almost there", we will be known as those "who got there". No matter the challenge don't change the goal even when you change the method. Don't ignore the Holy Spirit. He is Yahweh, the El Shaddai, God the Almighty living in us. He can see the end from the beginning.

We will not fail.

Happy Birthday

@the watcher.


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