Isaiah 44:2
Thus saith the LORD that made thee, and formed thee from the womb, [which] will help thee; Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and thou, Jesurun, whom I have chosen.

It is fear that would lead anyone to pursue worship of a deity symbolized by human hands. It is easy to say for those of us who were born into christian homes. It may not be that simple for those who were born into families were idol/graven image worship was acceptable.

In Isaiah 43, God shows how stupid it is to worship graven images:

Isaiah 44:9-20
How foolish are those who manufacture idols. These prized objects are really worthless. The people who worship idols don’t know this, so they are all put to shame.
Who but a fool would make his own god— an idol that cannot help him one bit?
All who worship idols will be disgraced along with all these craftsmen—mere humans— who claim they can make a god. They may all stand together,     but they will stand in terror and shame.
The blacksmith stands at his forge to make a sharp tool, pounding and shaping it with all his might. His work makes him hungry and weak. It makes him thirsty and faint.
Then the wood-carver measures a block of wood and draws a pattern on it. He works with chisel and plane     and carves it into a human figure. He gives it human beauty and puts it in a little shrine.
He cuts down cedars; he selects the cypress and the oak; he plants the pine in the forest to be nourished by the rain.
Then he uses part of the wood to make a fire. With it he warms himself and bakes his bread. Then—yes, it’s true—he takes the rest of it and makes himself a god to worship! He makes an idol and bows down in front of it!
He burns part of the tree to roast his meat and to keep himself warm.     He says, “Ah, that fire feels good.”
Then he takes what’s left and makes his god: a carved idol! He falls down in front of it, worshiping and praying to it. “Rescue me!” he says. “You are my god!”
Such stupidity and ignorance! Their eyes are closed, and they cannot see.  Their minds are shut, and they cannot think.
The person who made the idol never stops to reflect, “Why, it’s just a block of wood! I burned half of it for heat     and used it to bake my bread and roast my meat. How can the rest of it be a god? Should I bow down to worship a piece of wood?”
The poor, deluded fool feeds on ashes.  He trusts something that can’t help him at all. Yet he cannot bring himself to ask, “Is this idol that I’m holding in my hand a lie?”

Yes it looks so foolish to put ones trust in idols.

What of the other forms of idols that some believers have enslaved themselves to.

Those idols are those that would take the place of God, His word and faith. It is indeed foolishness.

Isaiah 44:6
Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I [am] the first, and I [am] the last; and beside me [there is] no God.

Christ was revealed, to reveal the Heavenly Father to us that we may be free.


Exodus 20:4
“You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea.

What has become an idol/a habit in our lives.

We must flee!

1John 5:21
Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.

Let us not err, "God is unlimited"

Isaiah 44:24
Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I [am] the LORD that maketh all [things]; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

I see renewed faith, I see a blessed life, I see God glorified.

We are blessed.

@the watcher


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