OPPORTUNITIES: be prepared

2Kings 13:19
 And the man of God was wroth with him, and said, Thou shouldest have smitten five or six times; then hadst thou smitten Syria till thou hadst consumed [it]: whereas now thou shalt smite Syria [but] thrice.

There is a need to look at opportunities in the positive light, this is because there are yet opportunities that ought to be taken. I believe in seasons and favoured/opportuned times when a thing could easily be accomplished or may I say, be accomplished with less difficulty.

In the starting text 2Kings 13:9, opportunity was given to King Joash to completely defeat the enemy, Syria. He, maybe not understanding the reason for striking the bow on the grown struck twice and stopped. He only had partial or limited victory.

Someone has described success as opportunity meeting preparation.This is true. There are times and seasons and it takes those who can identify the times, seasons and further know what action to be taken, that triumph. They become a wonder.

* Abraham was a man ready for battle, when his nephew was kidnapped he gathered his servants and rescue was made.

* Joseph was an example of one who saw opportunity and was already prepared, so when he became "king" he was up to the task.

* Daniel was a man prepared and who knew how to use opportunities, kings could not rule in Babylon without recognising him. He was like a god to Nebuchadnezzar.

* The virtous woman in Proverbs 31, was a woman who knew how to use opportunities to make her family prosper.

* Peter learnt to use opportunities, when it happened, he arose and spoke, the bible said: three thousand were added to the church.

* Paul could use opportunities, many gatherings were transformed to preaching the gospel.

Many an opportunity we miss because we were

* not aware of it;
* afraid;
* not certain;
* distracted.

My prayer is that the Lord would enable us with preparation to identify all opportunities created for us, or could benefit us, and to further make good use of it to move to the next level.

One great opportunity we have, is to do good. May we in God's wisdom make good use of it.

Galatians 6:10
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all [men], especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Great opportunities abound this year, the Lord would make us connect and take full advantage to become that glory He intends us to be. May we always be prepared.

God bless you.

@ the watcher


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