Psalms 126:1
 When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.

As we journey through our time of life here on earth the best experience a being can have is the experience with the creator. That is actually when one begins to live.

John 8:56
 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw [it], and was glad.

An encounter with Jesus the Christ is the best meeting ever. The awakening of live in the human.

Yet this first encounter is followed by events and activities that most times draws the mind of the believer from the Son, who gave that life to man, the world, activities, challenges, preoccupations, competitions, religion, arguments, old age(not of aging in body) and many other assumed necessities that cage us again and make it seem as if we have not been liberated.

Then man needs another liberation!

Galatians 5:1
 Christ has truly made us free: then keep your free condition and let no man put a yoke on you again.

A song writer wrote:

"Jesus the Christ is the only way to the Father but we are not the only way to Christ, if only we could get out of the way"

This bondage could be self inflicted by our many fears and limited faith.

It could be as a result of false or incomplete teaching from our leaders and pastors.

It could be as a result of our - still holding on to our past.

It could be that our experience was not complete and we have not received the right teachings.

It could be that the thorns sown by the evil one chokes our seeds as it attempts to grow.

No matter what it is, we just find our selves incomplete and not fulfilling our God given purpose. We know deep down that we should be "more than this".

Sin could also raise its ugly head and make us childish filling us will guilt again.

The said time has come: Liberty to those held bound.

We must enjoy the fulness of our liberty. The life we have in Jesus the Christ.

Ephesians 5:14
 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

The love of God is released today to as many that needs this liberty, to many that awake. To those who are tired of stunted growth.

Just as water cleanses the body from dirt that accumulates from the walk, the word cleanses our mind from the struggles and filth of this world.

John 8:32(BBE)
 And you will have knowledge of what is true, and that will make you free.

Colossians 2:10
 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

May the love of God make us complete, totally free from any spiritual complacency.

@ the watcher


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