2Kings 6:33b
what, should I wait for the LORD any longer?

As believers our trust is in God, though there are things that work so directly and easily for us that we do not even bother to pray about them. However there are things that seem not to come that easily and to receive them we get to pray and maybe pray more.

However when it comes to our eternity we cannot be unsure of where we stand, it is a final price, where there is no more opportunities or a second chance. Here we cannot afford to miss it.

As we count down two days more to end the year, we must take stock not only of our achievements and failures in the year but also our stand with God. Do we still hear from Him, is He still in Control? Have we erred, are we stagnant or are we growing?

1Corinthians 16:13
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

If we ever needed God it is now, His strength, His direction, Glory and Favour.

As we make plans for 2018, may we not just be sentimental about it, be it relocating, starting a home, changing career even to buying new properties. Let us allow God's voice superceed other factors. When it is Him, all other things will fall into place.

One beautiful thing about waiting on the Lord is that He opens our eyes to see what we couldn't because of our sentiment or enthusiasm.

I see a great year, I see things falling into place. I see a better you.

Hebrews 13:21
 make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

May the celebration continue.

No room for tragedy.

God bless you.

@ the watcher.


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