Overwhelming Battles

2Chronicles 20:17
Ye shall not [need] to fight in this [battle]: set yourselves, stand ye [still],
and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out against them: for the LORD [will be] with you.

There are times when the things under our care or that matters to us become so overwelming. When issues seem to spring up from here and there and we wonder how we would take care of them.

* Some may have come because it is its season.

* Others may be due to our mistakes or wrong decisions.

* Another may be part of our promotion or growing process.

* Yet another could be of no fault of us.

* And ofcourse those that affect or concern us because of those we love, care for, or are accountable for.

It could flood in sometimes and the answer we may have is worry or maybe anger or just pain.

We need to remember that worrying and carrying of such kind of burdens is what Yeshua, Jesus the Christ came to help us with.

There are so many things the Lord did not promise us that we run after, however there are things He assures us for.

Matthew 11:28(KJV)
Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

We are certain of this promise, we are not called to worry and carry heavy burdens.

This is what He said:

Matthew 11:30
For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light.

Yes that is what He said and we can hold Him for His word.

The truth is if we are not unburdened of all these unnecessary and tough loads we bear, we would find it difficult to carry His own awesome burden. That which is filled in joy and rewards both here and after.

He said we should lay them on Him.

1Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

So no matter the source, be it at;

* work
* school
* business
* home
* society
* or even in church (hmm)

The same dose is needed:

* Prayer
* Word and
* Worship

I see us relieved of every unnecessary burden or yoke. The Spirit will direct us in decisions and actions that will unburden us and give us peace.

Prayer: Lord I cast all my cares and burdens to you according to your word.

You are blessed afresh this week.


@ the watcher.


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