Revelation 1:3
 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.

Psalm 90:12
 So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.

A song has a lyrics which says

 "forever young, I wannna be forever young, do you want to live forever? I want to be forever young"

We definitely will live forever, but not in this flesh, we don't need anyone to tell us that our body dies everyday, ten years back our skin was more fresher, as one gets into the 60s the strength isn't like that of the 30s.

I remember when I was very young, one of my senior friends said to me "I wish I knew the Lord when I was as young as you are". He regreted all the mistakes and all the time he had spent doing the wrong things.

Time thus moves faster than we think.

Can we remember what we said we  would do when we:

* passed that exam
* finished school
* got that degree
 * got that job
* got married
* started our own business
* owned our own house
* had our children
* had our promotion
* got that position
* retired

All of a sudden we get there and the time keeps ticking away.

How many of our goals and visions have we achieved?

We would live forever after this life either in joy or regret.

But we can determine what it would be!

2Corinthians 5:10
 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

Brethren there is no time for:

* keeping malice
* staying in anger
* staying in depression
* sin
* idling away
* staying unhappy
* procastinating
* selfishness
* sentiments
* tribalism
* failing to try again
* giving up
* skipping time with God
* being unhealthy
* ignoring our responsibilities
* staying unproductive
* not witnessing to the lost

Let us reach out and do what we ought to do now.

Not in a hurry but consistently!

We would live long and prosper here on earth, yes but really that 120years (if you desire that) may not be as long as we see it, the strength and zeal would definitely diminish.

Awake there is still a lot we can do, the Holy Spirit is here to help us.

May we finish here and have no regret.

God bless you.

Do have an awesome weekend.

@ the watcher


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