(" it is a slow fade, when you give yourself away
it is a slow fade, when white and black are turned to grey,
 and thoughts evades, choices are made,
a price will be paid
if you give yourself away
people do not crumble in a day
. . . it is a slow fade . . .)... music by Casting Crowns - slow fade.

No family crashes in a switch, it starts bit by bit.

No habit just jumps in and stays, it establishes itself step by step.

Poverty dosen't just step in, it crawls in bit by bit, your account may remain the same, but the atmosphere changes.

Sicknesses don't just step in, unhealthy habits build up and vectors drop in their venoms, bit by bit it matures.

Friendship don't just break! secrets upon secrets creep up,  betrayals keep pilling up till it eventually explodes

We do not loose our children instantly, bit by bit a combination of bad exampling, neglect, carelessness and less love. Then before you know it, other things take charge.

Companies don't just fold up, bit by bit, indiscipline creeps in, sentiments, nepotism, financial recklessness. Lack of new ideas, innovation, vision and looking in the future. Before long the company is left behind.

Houses decay when they are neglected time and again, no continous maintainance, no renovation.

A country heads to crumble when the leaders cannot see the future and then take action. When they keep making wrong decisions again and again.

James 4:17
Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.

Proverbs 6:10
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep

It is better to take action on time.

As it is said "Prevention is better than cure"

Backsliding and weak christianity is a result of continous

* prayerlessness
* neglect of bible study
* neglect of worship
* forsaking the gathering with true believers
* acts of unbelieve
* accomodation of sin
* avoidance of fast
* neglect to practice love
* stagnation
* argument of the word
* accomodation of athiestic tendencies
* living in the flesh
* too much of worldly wisdom

We are not of those who draw back, God's grace is sufficient for us.

Hebrews 10:39
But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.

It may not look easy, maybe easier said than done, but God's Grace is available to us His Spirit is here to help us.

We will not err.

We will finish well.

I decree the power of the Holy Spirit on us who believe to see before time, take action and have the victory even before the battle begins.

God bless you.

@ the watcher


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